time hurts (essay 2)

Final Draft Essay 2 They can strip you of everything except your mind and your joy. Remember that. Depression, anxiety, anger or rage, hallucinations, and mental deuteriation are all commonalities to the people living in these conditions. Inmates currently incarcerated, alongside of their families are fighting locally and nationally at a judicial level looking to … [Read more…]

peer review for Daphnee

Daphnee I thought you did a great job on your essay overall. You had a very clear thesis that left no question as to the position you were taking. Using the quote by Ruth Glass in your introduction was great way to introduce the reader to your side of the argument, and gave a clear … [Read more…]

essay 3 rough draft

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results” – Albert Einstein I would like to start by congratulating the War on Drugs, well, for winning the war on drugs. The United States leads the world in fatal overdose rates and incarceration population, with numbers continuing to rise dramatically year … [Read more…]

Essay 3 reflection

I’ve decided to move forward in Essay 3 with the argument towards the legalization or decriminalization of narcotic substances in the U.S. following the lead of states like Oregon and countries such as the Netherlands, Portugal, or Switzerland. Some possible history I could possibly look into was the original laws set in place during different … [Read more…]

essay 3 source bibliography

akins, scott. “Oregon Just Decriminalized All Drugs – Here’s Why Voters Passed This Groundbreaking Reform.” U.S. News & World Report, U.S. News & World Report, 10 Dec. 2020, www.usnews.com/news/best-states/articles/2020-12-10/oregon-just-decriminalized-all-drugs-heres-why-voters-passed-this-groundbreaking-reform. good source of info towards how laws came about originally Hewings, Jerffery & Eustua, Laura “ECONOMIC WELFARE ANALYSIS OF THE LEGALIZATION OF DRUGS: A CGE MICROSIMULATION MODEL … [Read more…]

argument proposal

Taking my theme of crime and justice into consideration i would like to move forward the argument towards the legalization of marijuana. I could use photographic evidence towards the medical property’s and financial benefits its has in the economy from tax revenues and also not getting me people in trouble legally. Also I had thought … [Read more…]

research project ideas

should a jail record be an employers first impression? I found this article in the “NYT Room for debate” section and it discusses the difficulties people face once entering back into society out of an incarceration. The aftermath can effect employment potential, housing, loans, and many other facets of life directly corrolated to ones criminal … [Read more…]

peer review essay 2

Alec, firstly I would like to start by complimenting your incredibly talented writing. Your word choice and sentence structure is incredibly well done. While reading your assignment I could not help but to continuously keep feeling like I was reading a professionally written article about the subject you chose done by yourself, not even a … [Read more…]

text wrestling sources

Shalev, Sharon .London: Mannheim Centre for Criminology, London School of Economics A sourcebook on Solitary Confinement 2008 The author who wrote the sorcebook on solitary confinement, sharon shalev did a good job diving into every aspect legally about solitary. The Sourcebook on solitary confinement provides a point of reference on the subject, its documented health … [Read more…]

rough draft essay 2

***Ready for peer review, thank you Alec “The Prison Inside of Prison” by Michael Barajas Michael Barajas, the author of the article “a prison inside a prison’ dives into the topic of prolonged segregation inside of prisons in Texas. Hundreds of prisoners have spent over decades of there sentences in isolation, an extreme form of … [Read more…]